Present Tense : Types of Present Tense (Learn Easy Grammar)


We use the present simple tense to describe
Things that are always true i.e. universal fact.                 
Example- The sun rises in the east.
Situation that exist now and will go on indefinitely.       
Example- Teachers teach the students.
Habits or things that happen regularly.                             
Example- We go to school everyday.

1. Present Simple (Indefinite) Tense:

In the simple present (Indefinite) Tense, the first form of the verb is used.          
  • Respects my elders.
  • You drive the car very carelessly. 
  • Children love their parents.

Note - ‘s’ ‘es’ is added to the first from of the verb when the subject is in the third person and of singular number.          
  • My brother goes to school.
  • An eagle flies high up in the sky.
  • A child loves to play with others’ toy.

Note -
  • Add ‘es’ to the first form of the verb, if it ends in ‘ch’, ‘sh’, ‘o’, ‘ss’ or ‘x’      Example- marches, pushes, dose, passes, fixes.

·       If a verb ends in ‘y’ and is preceded with a consonant, change ‘y’ into ‘i’ and ‘es’               
Example- worry – worries, Fly – flies, Try – tries.

·       If there is a vowel before ‘y’ add only ‘s’ to the first form of the verb.
Example- obey – obeys, Enjoy – enjoys, pray – prays.

·       To all other verbs just add ‘s’
Example-Talk – talks, Sleep – sleeps, Fight – fights.

(a) Assertive Form:
I / we/ you/ they/plurals + 1st form of the verb.
He/ she/ it/ singular +1st form of  the verb + s/es.  
  • The student go to school 
  • My brother goes to office.

(b) Interrogative Form: 
 Do / Dose + subject + 1st form of the verb +                              ?
Question word + Do / Does + subject + 1st form of verb +                         ?
  • Do you know English? 
  • Does she cook tasty food?
  • When do you go to school?

Note: only first form of the verb is used with ‘do’ or ‘does’

(c) Negative Form: 
Subject + do not / does not + 1st form of the verb +                             ?     
  • My student do not want to fail.
  • He does not get time to play.

(d) Interrogative Negative:
Do not / Does not + subject + 1st form of the verb +                               ?      
  • Don’t you want to succeed in life?               
  • Doesn’t she disturb you always?

2. Present Continuous Tense: 

The present continuous tense describes
An action that is happening (now) at the time of speaking.            
  • we are learning English grammar.

To describe an action going on over a period of time, including the present, but may not be going on at the time of speaking.
  • Nowadays my friend is working in American Institute.
(a) Assertive Form: 
Subject + is / am / are + 1st form of the verb (infinitive) + ing + object.
  • The teacher is teaching his students.  
  • I am teaching my students.
  • The student are listening to the teacher.   

(b) Interrogative Form: 
Subject + is / am / are + subject + 1st form of the verb +                                ?   
  • Is the teacher teaching his students?            
  • Am I teaching my student ? 
  • Are the  student listening to the teacher?

(c) Negative Form: 
Subject + is /am / are + not + 1st form of the verb + ing + object.   
  • He is not giving the answers to my questions.            
  •  I am not teaching today.
  • Student are not asking their difficulties.

3. Present perfect Tense: 

The present perfect tense refers to an action or a process that has been completed in the present.

(a) Assertive Form: 
Subject + has /have + 3rd form of the verb ( past participle) + object                                Example-
  • He has done his homework.
  • You have solved all the examples.
  • She has finished her work. 

(b) Interrogative Form:  
Has /have + subject + 3rd from of the verb + -----------------------?                     
  • Has he done his homework?
  • Have you solved all the examples?
  • Has she finished her work?

(c) Negative Form:
Subject + has /have + not + 3rd form of the verb +----------------------------?
  • He has not done his homework.
  • You have not solved all the examples.         
  • She has not finished her work.

4. Present perfect Continuous Tense:
This tense is used to describe an action that began in the past, is the still continuing and may extend into the future.

‘Since’ and ‘for’ are used with the present perfect continuous tense.
‘Since’ is used with a point of time. It denotes some definite point of time in the past till now.  Example- since evening, since Sunday, since 2007 etc.
‘For’ is used with a period of time. It denotes a ‘length of time’ till now.        Example- for several weeks, for seven days, for many years etc.
(a) Assertive Form: 
Subject + has /have + been + 1st form of the verb + ing +                 +    Since / for + time
  • I have been living in Kota since 2005.
  • The child has been crying for one hour.

(b) Interrogative Form:  
Has /have + subject + been + 1st from of the verb + ing +-------------------------- + since / for + time
  • Have I been living in Kota since 2005?
  • Has the child been crying for one hour?

(c) Negative Form:
Subject + has /have + not been + 1st form of the verb + ing +   ------------------ + since / for + time 
  • I have not been living in Kota since 2005.
  • The child has not been crying for one hour.

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