Report Writing Format With Examples

Report Writing


  •     Heading/Title (align: Centre) 
  •     Name of the Reporter/Writer (align: Left) 
  •     Date and Place (align: Left) 

Body Contents: Report should be written in various para like: 

  •     Para I – Introductory para: about event's day, date, place, what (Topic) , timings.
  •     Para II – Brief detail:  about of the place/cause/effects/guests
  •     Para III – Main Body:  activities/name people involved
  •     Para IV – Finalising report: messages/Promises by authorities/statement of people.



(By the staff reporter/XYZ)

Jaipur, October 02 : Radiant Public School organised cleanliness drive under Swachh Bharat Swasth Bharat Abhiyaan Programme on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti. This programme began with Gandhi Jayanti. The main purpose of this programme was to create awareness among the students regarding cleanliness and its benefits. Under this programme, all the students from 9th to 12th had participated in this drive. Even teachers were the essential part of this mission. We had to clean the whole school. Our principal started the programme by cleaning the corners of the field. Then the teachers and students followed it. Some of us picked brooms and started our job. Some of the students did the dusting of the rooms. And others went to the play ground and started picking wrappers lying scattered there. After collecting then they threw them into the dustbins. After doing this job for two to three hours, we all assembled in the school hall. There we were given refreshment in the form of bananas and apples. Thereafter our principal D.K. Sinha delivered the speech telling us the importance of sanitation. He also honoured the sweepers of the school for their noble job. At the end we all took oath of keeping our home, locality and city clean. It was a unique experience for all of us. We were curious to be the part of this great drive that could have transformed the face of our country forever.

Example 2. Report on “BLOOD DONATION CAMP.”

(By the staff reporter/XYX)

Ajmer, March 15 : A blood donation camp was held in the school hall of Radiant Public School, Ajmer on 14 March 2017. The purpose of the blood donation camp was to aid the poor patients unable to buy blood. Dr P.K. Das, Ajmer Primary Health Centre conducted the blood donation proceedings. Apart from the teachers, taught of this school and the people of this area were greatly enthusiastic. The blood donation started at 1 p.m. and went on till 3.30 p.m. Many local persons and students were donating their blood. Each donor was given eggs, milk and fruits. The donors were issued certificates. Before the blood donation, Dr P.K. Das, Dr S.K. Das, the principal of this school delivered their short speech on the necessity of donating blood.

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