A Short Paragraph On " A Visit To A Zoo".

A Visit To A Zoo

Zoo is a place where birds and animals of different kinds and colours are kept. A visit to the zoo is always very interesting. It adds to our knowledge. So, last Sunday I visited to the National Zoological Park Zoo, Delhi with my parents. We reached at 2:00 p.m. we went to purchase the tickets. Then we entered the zoo. First of all, we went to the cages of monkeys and baboon. We threw some grains to them. The monkeys were jumping on the branches of the trees. Then we went to see the birds. We saw water-birds, ducks and cranes in a pond. We visited the tigers, lions and bears shut in cages. In a cage a lion was sleeping and lioness was playing with cubs. Some birds were singing, chirping and whistling. There were also many elephants, giraffe, rhinoceros, hippopotamus and crocodiles in the zoo. We spent nearly four hours in the zoo. The visit added vastly to my knowledge. After seeing the zoo, we felt tired and hungry. We sat under a tree and ate our tiffin. After sometimes, we returned to our home. My visit to the zoo was great fun. It was also very educative and informative. A zoo helps us to learn so much without visiting the natural habitats of animals and birds.

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