Letter Writing Skills: How to Write a Business Letter?

LETTER WRITING: Business Letter

बोर्ड परीक्षा के प्रश्न पत्र में निम्न विषयों पर आधारित Business Letter से संबंधित प्रश्न आते है –
To place an order for any item.
To cancel an order.
For any query about items price list.
To do complain for any defective electrical or other item.
अब इन सभी उपरोक्त प्रकार के पत्रों को करने का तरीका या प्रारूप एक समान है जो की नीचे दिया गया है कुछ महत्वपूर्ण पत्रों के साथ –
Sender’s Address
(भेजने वाले का पता)
Date (20th August 2018)
Receiver’s Address
(प्राप्तकर्ता का पता)
Sir (Salutation-अभिवादन)
Body of the letter or communication …………………………..

Yours truly/faithfully
Designation (If required)

Q. Last month you purchased a TV set from Ram Electronics, Pushp Vihar, Ambala. It is not working properly. Write a letter of complaint in 120-150 words to the Manager asking for repair or replacement. You are Amar/Amrita, M-114, Model Town, Ambala.

M-114 Model Town

20th Aug. 2018

The Manager
Ram Electronics
Pushp Vihar

Subject: Replacement of defective T.V. set.

I have purchased T.V. set last month from your showroom against cash memo no. 4125 dated 20th July 2018 but I regret to inform you that the T.V. is not working properly. There are following problems such as the sound is not clear and the colour T.V. becomes black and white. The T.V. starts irritating sound.

I bought the T.V. on your assurance of its excellent working which have all proved untrue. I have tried to adjust the various controls but to no purpose. Please send your expert engineer to rectify the fault since the T.V. is still in the guarantee period. I request you to replace the T.V. if the fault is irreparable.

Yours faithfully
Sarvan Kumar 

Q. You are Neha/Naresh in-charge of Physical Education, Radiant International School, Rohini, Delhi. Write a letter to M/s Pioneer Sports Company, New Delhi , placing an order for sports items/equipments with details.

Radiant International School
Rohini, Delhi

7th March, 2018

The Manager
M/s Pioneer Sports Company
New Delhi

Sub: Placing order for sports items.

You have a very good reputation of selling quality sports items. Your sports items are of superior quality. After going through your latest catalogue of sports items. I am placing an order for the following items as per school requirements.

Name of item
Volley ball and nets
Badminton rackets
Cricket Kits and balls
Sports tack suits
2 dozen

All the items should be of good quality substandard items will be returned. Items should delivered in school before 1 p.m. on any working day. Please send the bill after deducting maximum discount as applicable for educational institutes.

Yours truly

Q. You are the computer in-charge of A.K. Public School. You have placed an order for 10 units of computers and other equipments related to the computer with HCL, D-10 Paharganj, Delhi. You want to cancel the order as they were failed to make the delivery in time.

A.K. Public School

5th March, 2018

The Manager
HCL, D-10
Sub: Cancelling order no. 65/SAS.

This is in reference to our order no. 65/SAS dated 17th Feb,2018, regarding the delivery of computers and related equipments.
In this respect I wish to inform you that despite many reminders you have failed to make the delivery as per time given by you. We regret to inform that we are cancelling our order 17th Feb,2018.

Kindly refund the advance made to you by our school.

Yours truly
Suresh Mehta
Computer In-charge

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